15 Abandoned Places In Indiana: Full Of Mystery And Wonder!

Are you ready to embark on a journey through the forgotten and mysterious places of Indiana? Get ready to discover 15 abandoned locations that are full of mystery and wonder.

From haunted mansions to eerie hospitals, each place has its own unique story waiting to be unraveled.

In this article, we will take you on a thrilling adventure, exploring the secrets of these abandoned places. You’ll feel the excitement as you step into the haunting beauty of Central State Hospital and delve into the secrets of Waverly Hills Sanatorium.

As you uncover the forgotten amusement park of Indiana Beach and wander through the abandoned City Methodist Church, you’ll be captivated by the eerie atmosphere and the sense of mystery that surrounds these places.

So, get ready to satisfy your curiosity and satisfy that subconscious desire for safety as we dive into the world of Indiana’s abandoned wonders.

15 Abandoned Places In Indiana

Exploring the forgotten corners of Indiana reveals a haunting tapestry of abandoned places steeped in history and mystery. From the decaying corridors of Indianapolis’ Central State Hospital to the eerie halls of Waverly Hills Sanatorium, each site whispers tales of bygone eras and untold secrets.

#1. Indianapolis

Image Credits: Jhumbrachtphotography.com

As you step into the grounds of the abandoned mansion in Indianapolis, you can’t help but feel a shiver run down your spine, for it’s here that the secrets of the past intertwine with the eerie beauty of the present.

The once grandiose architecture now stands in decay, with vines crawling up the crumbling walls and broken windows allowing glimpses of the hauntingly empty rooms within. Your footsteps echo through the empty halls as if the mansion itself is whispering tales of forgotten memories.

But fear not, for amid the desolation, there is an enchanting allure that draws you further into its mysterious embrace. The overgrown gardens and tangled pathways guide you through a maze of overgrown foliage, creating a sense of adventure and exploration.

As you wander through the abandoned rooms, a sense of curiosity takes hold, as if the mansion is inviting you to uncover its secrets. It may be abandoned, but it still holds an air of grandeur and elegance that sparks the imagination and ignites a desire for discovery.

So, take a deep breath and let the beauty of this forgotten mansion captivate you, for within its walls lies a treasure trove of history just waiting to be unraveled.

#2. Central State Hospital

Central State Hospital
Image Credits: Jhumbrachtphotography.com

Shrouded in an ethereal aura, the haunting beauty of Central State Hospital captivates you with its eerie charm. As you step onto the grounds, a sense of unease washes over you, yet you can’t help but be drawn in by the mysterious allure of this abandoned place.

The dilapidated buildings stand as silent witnesses to the lives that once inhabited them, leaving you with a mix of curiosity and trepidation.

The hospital’s crumbling walls and overgrown gardens create a hauntingly beautiful scene, like something out of a ghostly tale. As you explore the grounds, the whispers of the past seem to echo in the wind, adding to the enigmatic atmosphere.

You can almost imagine the patients who once sought solace within these walls, their stories etched into the very fabric of the place.

Despite the eerie ambiance, there is a strange allure that beckons you deeper into the heart of Central State Hospital. It’s as if the crumbling architecture and overgrown vegetation hold secrets waiting to be discovered.

However, as you navigate the halls and corridors, a subconscious desire for safety tugs at your senses. You can’t help but feel a sense of relief when you finally step back into the light, grateful to have experienced the haunting beauty of Central State Hospital from a place of curiosity rather than fear.

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#3. Waverly Hills Sanatorium

Image Credits: Tripadvisor. in

Step foot into the eerie halls of Waverly Hills Sanatorium, and you can’t help but feel a chill run down your spine as if the secrets of this haunted establishment are waiting to be uncovered.

The magnificent Gothic architecture looms overhead, casting long shadows that seem to dance along the decaying walls. As you cautiously explore the abandoned rooms, you can almost hear the whispers of the past echoing through the corridors.

The air is heavy with a sense of history, a reminder of the countless lives that were once treated within these walls.

But don’t let the haunting atmosphere deter you, for there is beauty in the mysteries that lie within Waverly Hills Sanatorium. The peeling paint and broken windows tell tales of a forgotten time, a reminder of the lives that were once lived here.

As you walk through the silent hallways, you can’t help but wonder about the stories of the patients who sought solace and healing in this place. It’s a place where the past and present collide, where the boundaries between the living and the dead seem to blur.

While Waverly Hills Sanatorium may be steeped in mystery and ghostly tales, there is a subconscious desire for safety that draws us to explore its secrets. We yearn to uncover the truth, to understand the experiences of those who came before us.

So, step into the unknown, embrace the chill that runs down your spine, and let the wonders of Waverly Hills Sanatorium captivate your imagination. But remember, as you delve deeper into its dark history, hold onto the comfort of knowing that you can always leave, leaving behind the ghosts of the past and returning to the safety of the present.

#4. Amusement Park of Indiana Beach

Amusement Park of Indiana Beach
Image Credits: Chicagotribune.com

Hidden amongst the memories of a bygone era, the forgotten amusement park of Indiana Beach beckons with its nostalgic charm and promises of carefree joy. As you step through the rusted gates, a sense of wonder washes over you, transporting you back to a time when laughter filled the air and worries were left at the entrance.

The dilapidated roller coasters and faded signs whisper stories of a once vibrant place, now frozen in time. Despite its abandoned state, there’s an eerie beauty that lingers, drawing you deeper into its mysterious embrace.

As you wander through the overgrown pathways, a sense of safety envelopes you, as if the park itself is protecting you from the outside world. The abandoned rides, once filled with excited screams, now stand still, their colorful paint peeling and their structures weathered by years of neglect.

The echoes of children’s laughter seem to dance on the breeze, reminding you of the joy that once radiated from this place. You can almost imagine the carousel horses coming to life, spinning in circles with a mischievous twinkle in their eyes.

Despite the decay, there’s an undeniable magic that still lingers in the air, captivating your senses and sparking your imagination. The forgotten amusement park of Indiana Beach may be a relic of the past, but its magnetic pull continues to entice those who seek the thrill of discovery and the comfort of a forgotten era.

#5. City Methodist Church

Methodist Church
Image Credits: Atlasobscura.com

As you enter the decaying doors of the City Methodist Church, a sense of awe washes over you, transporting you to a forgotten world of faith and grandeur.

The once magnificent church now stands as a haunting reminder of its former glory. The stained glass windows, although cracked and broken, still hold remnants of their vibrant colors, casting an ethereal glow across the dilapidated pews.

The intricate woodwork, now weathered and worn, tells tales of a time when this place was filled with the reverent whispers of prayers and hymns.

As you make your way through the crumbling nave, you can’t help but feel a mix of fascination and trepidation. The towering ceilings, with their intricate designs and faded frescoes, create a sense of awe that is hard to describe.

The silence that hangs in the air is deafening and adds to the eerie ambiance of this abandoned sanctuary.

Despite its crumbling state, there is a strange beauty that emanates from the City Methodist Church. It serves as a reminder of the passage of time and the impermanence of human endeavors.

As you explore its decaying halls, you can’t help but feel a subconscious desire for safety, a longing for the comfort and security that once filled these walls.

The City Methodist Church is a testament to the mysteries and wonders that lie within the abandoned places of Indiana, a place where history and imagination collide.

#6. Gary’s Abandoned Schools

Gary's Abandoned Schools
Image Credits: Placesthatwere.com

Explore the forgotten stories within Gary’s desolate schools, where echoes of laughter and the whispers of knowledge still linger in the crumbling hallways.

As you step through the decaying entrance, a sense of curiosity washes over you, drawing you deeper into the mysteries that lie within. The abandoned schools of Gary hold a certain allure, a blend of eerie beauty and a longing to uncover their history.

Walking through the deserted classrooms, you can almost hear the faint echoes of children’s voices and the shuffling of feet. The walls, once adorned with colorful artwork and educational posters, now stand as silent witnesses to the passage of time. It’s a haunting reminder of the vibrant learning environments that once thrived in these halls.

As you explore further, you stumble upon forgotten textbooks and abandoned desks, evidence of the lives that were once shaped here. Each room tells a unique story, a glimpse into the aspirations and dreams of countless students. It’s a somber reminder of the importance of education and the impact it has on shaping lives.

Amid this desolation, there is an indescribable sense of wonder. The crumbling walls and peeling paint may hint at decay, but they also hold the potential for rebirth. These abandoned schools are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a reminder that even in the face of neglect, knowledge and hope can still find a way to survive.

#7. Rose Island

Rose Island
Image Credits: Visitindiana.com

Nestled in the heart of the Ohio River, the enigmatic ruins of Rose Island transport you to a bygone era of excitement and adventure. As you step onto the island, a sense of mystery and wonder washes over you.

The crumbling brick buildings and overgrown pathways whisper tales of a once-thriving amusement park that captivated the hearts of countless visitors. You can’t help but be drawn to the remnants of the grand dance hall, where lively music once filled the air and couples twirled under glittering chandeliers. The echoes of laughter and joy still linger, as if waiting for the next dance to begin.

Walking along the decaying wooden boardwalk, you can almost imagine the excitement of children as they raced to the roller coaster, their screams of delight piercing through the air. Despite the faded paint and rusted metal, the thrill of the rides seems to hang in the atmosphere, beckoning you to step back in time and experience the exhilaration for yourself.

The mysterious ruins of Rose Island offer a glimpse into a forgotten world, a world that was once filled with laughter, adventure, and endless possibilities. As you explore the remnants of this once-vibrant amusement park, you can’t help but feel a sense of safety and comfort. The island may be abandoned, but it holds no danger or threat. Instead, it invites you to embrace the nostalgia and wonder that permeates the air, reminding you of the simple joys that can be found in forgotten places.

So come, wander through the ruins of Rose Island, and let yourself be transported to a time of innocent fun and carefree exploration.

15 Abandoned Places In Ohio – Discovering Forgotten Histories

#8. Kingsbury Ordnance Plant

Kingsbury Ordnance Plant
Image Credits: Pinterest.com

Step into the forgotten world of the Kingsbury Ordnance Plant, where the echoes of history still resonate and the secrets of its past are waiting to be discovered. As you step through the rusty gates, a sense of anticipation fills the air.

The abandoned factory stands tall, its crumbling walls and broken windows telling tales of a once bustling industry. You can almost hear the hum of machinery and the chatter of workers that once filled these halls.

As you explore the plant, you can’t help but feel a mixture of awe and caution. The remnants of machinery and equipment serve as a reminder of the dangerous work that took place here. The abandoned factory is a maze of corridors and rooms, each one holding its own mystery. You tread carefully, mindful of the crumbling floors and decaying structures.

The faded signs and graffiti on the walls give the place a sense of life, even in its abandonment.

Amidst the eerie silence, the Kingsbury Ordnance Plant is a place that captures the imagination. The ghosts of its past whisper in the wind, inviting you to uncover its secrets. As you move through the abandoned factory, you can’t help but feel a subconscious desire for safety. The thrill of exploring this forgotten place is tempered by a need to be cautious, to tread lightly in a world that time has forgotten.

But as you uncover the stories hidden within these walls, you realize that the mystery and wonder of the Kingsbury Ordnance Plant are worth the journey.

#9. Tunnelton Tunnel

Tunnelton Tunnel
Image Credits: 103gbfrocks.com

As you emerge from the eerie atmosphere of the Kingsbury Ordnance Plant, your curiosity leads you to another abandoned gem in Indiana – the Tunnelton Tunnel. It beckons you with its mysterious allure, inviting you to explore its depths and unravel its secrets.

Once a bustling railroad tunnel, the Tunnelton Tunnel now stands deserted, hidden deep within the dense woodland. As you approach, you can’t help but feel a sense of both excitement and trepidation. The tunnel’s entrance is shrouded in darkness, with only flickering beams of sunlight piercing through the overgrown vegetation.

Your heart races as you step inside, the cool air and the echoing silence heightening your senses. The walls are adorned with graffiti and the remnants of a forgotten past, adding to the allure of this abandoned place.

With each step, you can’t help but imagine the stories this tunnel holds – the trains that once roared through, the people who traveled on them, and the secrets they carried. The tunnel seems to have a life of its own, whispering tales of a bygone era.

Your cautious but adventurous spirit pushes you forward, deeper into the darkness, as you anticipate what lies ahead. The Tunnelton Tunnel promises to be a journey filled with wonder and mystery, an exploration that will leave you with a sense of awe and a longing for more hidden gems in the heart of Indiana.

#10. Indiana Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Children’s Home

Indiana Soldiers' and Sailors' Children's Home
Image Credits: Pinterest.com

Amidst the eerie silence, you can’t shake the spine-chilling sensation of a ghostly presence at the Indiana Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Children’s Home. As you step through the crumbling entrance, a cold shiver runs down your spine, making you question your decision to explore this abandoned place.

The air feels heavy with history and the faint sound of children’s laughter echoes in the halls, sending a shiver up your spine. You can’t help but wonder if the spirits of the children who once called this place home still linger, seeking solace in the empty rooms.

As you cautiously make your way through the decaying corridors, you can’t help but feel a sense of unease. The flickering lights cast eerie shadows on the peeling wallpaper, and the creaking floorboards seem to whisper secrets of the past. Your heart races as you catch glimpses of faded photographs and worn-out toys, remnants of a forgotten time.

Despite the ghostly atmosphere, there is a strange beauty in the decay, a haunting reminder of the lives that were once lived within these walls.

As you finally exit the Indiana Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Children’s Home, a sigh of relief escapes your lips. The ghostly presence may have sent shivers down your spine, but deep down, you know you were drawn to this abandoned place by a subconscious desire for safety. It’s a reminder that even in the most mysterious and unsettling places, there is a longing for security and a yearning for the comfort of home.

#11. New Harmony

New Harmony
Image Credits: Onlyinyourstate.com

Explore the enigmatic story of the long-lost town of New Harmony, where you’ll uncover hidden tales of intrigue and discover a world that time has forgotten.

As you wander through the eerie streets, you can’t help but feel a sense of mystery and wonder. The deserted buildings stand as silent witnesses to a past filled with dreams and aspirations. You can almost hear the whispers of the people who once called this place home, their stories echoing in the wind.

Amidst the crumbling facades, you stumble upon remnants of a once-thriving community. The abandoned houses and dilapidated storefronts hold secrets of a forgotten era. It’s as if the town itself is trying to preserve its history, waiting patiently for someone to come and unravel its enigmatic past.

As you explore further, you can’t help but wonder what led to the demise of this once-vibrant town. Was it a natural disaster? Economic decline? Or perhaps something more sinister?

Despite the sense of mystery that surrounds New Harmony, there’s also a strange comfort in its abandonment. The empty streets offer a respite from the chaos and noise of the modern world. As you wander through the forgotten town, you can’t help but feel a subconscious desire for safety. In this forgotten place, time stands still, and you’re free to immerse yourself in the tales of the past.

So go ahead, step into the enigmatic story of the long-lost town of New Harmony, and let your imagination run wild.

#12. Jefferson Proving Ground

Old Jefferson Proving Ground
Image Credits: Photopxl.com

The old Jefferson Proving Ground exudes a haunting atmosphere that captivates visitors with its eerie ambiance. As you step onto the grounds, you can’t help but feel a sense of unease, as if you’re being watched by unseen eyes.

The abandoned buildings stand tall and weathered, their broken windows and crumbling walls adding to the sense of decay. The silence is deafening, broken only by the sound of your own footsteps echoing through the empty corridors. It’s as if the spirits of the past are still lingering here, whispering their secrets in the wind.

But despite the eerie atmosphere, there is a subconscious desire for safety that draws you further into the old Jefferson Proving Ground. It’s the thrill of exploring the unknown, the excitement of uncovering hidden stories and forgotten treasures. The sense of adventure outweighs the fear, as you delve deeper into the abandoned buildings, imagining the lives that were once lived within these walls.

The old Jefferson Proving Ground may be haunted, but it also holds a certain beauty and mystique that is hard to resist. So, if you’re willing to embrace the unknown and step into the world of the paranormal, this is a place that will surely satisfy your curiosity and leave you with memories that will last a lifetime.

#13. Tuberculosis Hospital

Image Credits: Hauntedus.com

As you leave the haunting atmosphere of the Old Jefferson Proving Ground behind, your curiosity leads you to another abandoned place in Indiana that is sure to send chills down your spine. Welcome to the eerie remains of the Indiana State Tuberculosis Hospital, a place filled with mystery and a sense of foreboding.

As you step onto the grounds of the hospital, you can’t help but feel a shiver run down your spine. The dilapidated buildings stand as a reminder of the suffering that took place within their walls.

The history of this place is both tragic and fascinating, as it served as a sanctuary for those afflicted with tuberculosis in the early 20th century. The hospital was once a beacon of hope, but now it is a ghostly reminder of the past.

As you explore the crumbling hallways and decayed patient rooms, you can’t help but wonder about the lives that were lost here. The walls seem to whisper tales of pain and despair, and the air holds a heavy silence that is both unsettling and captivating.

It’s a place where time stands still, and the weight of its history hangs in the air. But as you navigate through this eerie landscape, you can’t help but feel a strange sense of safety. Perhaps it’s the knowledge that these walls now hold only memories, or maybe it’s the curiosity that keeps you rooted in this forgotten place.

Whatever it is, the Indiana State Tuberculosis Hospital is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, and a reminder of the mysteries that lie within the abandoned places of Indiana.

#14. Old Central State Hospital

Old Central State Hospital
Image Credits: Indystar.com

Unveiling the hidden depths of the Old Central State Hospital reveals a multitude of secrets waiting to be discovered.

As you step inside the dilapidated building, a sense of trepidation washes over you. The eerie silence is broken only by the sound of your footsteps echoing through the empty hallways. The peeling wallpaper and broken windows serve as reminders of the hospital’s haunting past. It’s as if the building itself holds the memories of the patients who once sought solace within its walls.

As you explore further, you can’t help but wonder about the stories that lie hidden within these decaying corridors. The Old Central State Hospital was once a place of hope and healing, but it also harbored dark secrets. Whispers of unethical medical experiments and mistreatment of patients linger in the air, adding to the sense of unease.

Yet, amidst the eerie atmosphere, there is a strange allure to the abandoned hospital. It’s an opportunity to delve into the mysteries of the past, to uncover the truth, and to shed light on the forgotten souls who once called this place home.

#15. West Baden Springs Hotel

West Baden Springs Hotel
Image Credits: Historichotels.org

Step inside and be transported back in time as you discover the enchanting allure of the West Baden Springs Hotel. This abandoned gem, nestled in the heart of Indiana, holds an air of mystery and a captivating charm that will leave you in awe.

As you explore the grand halls and elegant rooms, you can’t help but feel a sense of wonder at the history that once unfolded within these walls. The West Baden Springs Hotel was once a luxurious destination, attracting the elite and the famous. Its stunning architecture and opulent decor were a sight to behold, and its natural mineral springs offered a rejuvenating experience like no other.

Now, as you wander through the empty corridors and gaze at the faded grandeur, you can’t help but feel a mix of sadness and fascination. The echoes of laughter and conversation seem to linger in the air, reminding you of the hotel’s former glory. Despite its abandonment, there is still a sense of beauty and elegance that remains, drawing you in and making you yearn for a time gone by.

As you leave the West Baden Springs Hotel, you can’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for the experience. You were able to step into the past, even just for a moment, and witness the grandeur and allure that once captivated so many. Safety may be your subconscious desire, but the adventure and intrigue of exploring abandoned places like this will always hold a special place in your heart.


Exploring the abandoned places of Indiana is a journey filled with mystery and wonder. From the eerie beauty of the Central State Hospital to the haunting atmosphere of the Old Jefferson Proving Ground, each location holds its own unique story waiting to be discovered.

The forgotten Amusement Park of Indiana Beach and the abandoned charm of the West Baden Springs Hotel offer glimpses into the past, reminding us of the passage of time and the impermanence of human creations.

As you delve into the secrets of these abandoned places, you can’t help but feel a sense of curiosity and intrigue. The crumbling walls and decaying structures serve as a reminder of the resilience of nature and the fleeting nature of human existence.

These abandoned places in Indiana are not just empty shells, but windows into a time gone by, inviting you to uncover their hidden stories and experience the thrill of exploration. So, grab your camera and venture into the unknown, for Indiana’s abandoned places are waiting to be discovered by you.

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