14 Ghost Towns In Louisiana That Whisper Stories of Time

Have you ever wondered what lies hidden in the depths of Louisiana’s rich history? Well, prepare to be transported to a world of forgotten tales and abandoned places as we delve into the intriguing realm of Louisiana ghost towns.

In this article, we will take you on a journey through 14 ghost towns in Louisiana, each echoing with the whispers of abandonment and offering a glimpse into a bygone era.

As you explore these Louisiana ghost towns, you will find yourself surrounded by the remnants of once-thriving communities that have now been reclaimed by nature.

From the Cane River Creole National Historical Park, where the grand plantation houses stand as silent witnesses to the past, to Carville, the leprosarium abandoned town that was once home to those seeking solace and isolation, each Louisiana ghost town tells its own unique story.

As you wander through the deserted streets of Fort Jesup, a forgotten military outpost, or imagine the bustling trade routes that once existed in Ouachita City and Bayou Lafourche, you can’t help but feel a sense of awe and curiosity.

These Louisiana ghost towns offer a window into the past, a chance to reflect on the lives lived and lost, and a reminder of the transient nature of human existence.

So, sit back, relax, and let us guide you through the echoes of abandonment in Louisiana ghost towns.

1. Cane River Creole National Historical Park

Cane River Creole National Historical Park - ghost towns
Image Credits: https://explorelouisiana.com

Explore the fascinating history of Cane River Creole National Historical Park, where you can immerse yourself in the echoes of abandonment and discover the hidden stories of this forgotten Louisiana ghost town.

As you wander through the park, you’ll feel a sense of awe and wonder as the past comes alive around you. The crumbling buildings and overgrown landscapes whisper tales of a once-thriving community, now left to the elements. The eerie silence is broken only by the rustling of leaves and the distant call of a bird.

But fear not, for within the safety of the park, you can explore these ghostly remnants without any real danger. Let your curiosity guide you as you uncover the secrets of this forgotten place, and let the echoes of abandoned Louisiana ghost town remind you of the importance of preserving our history.

2. Carville, Louisiana

Carville, Louisiana - The Leprosarium Town - ghost towns
Image Credits: https://999ktdy.com

Discover the eerie history of Carville, Louisiana, a ghost town that was once home to a leprosarium and is now filled with haunting reminders of its past.

As you walk through the abandoned streets of Carville, you can’t help but feel a sense of unease.

The buildings, once bustling with activity, now stand empty and decrepit, their windows shattered and their doors hanging off their hinges.

The air is heavy with a silent sadness as if the ghosts of those who once lived here still linger.

You can almost hear the whispers of the patients who were banished to this isolated place, and forced to live out their days in solitude.

But as eerie as it may be, there’s also a strange beauty to Carville.

The overgrown vegetation weaves its way through the cracks in the pavement, reclaiming the abandoned town for nature.

It’s a reminder that life goes on, even in the face of abandonment.

So as you explore the forgotten streets of Carville, let the haunting reminders of its past serve as a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit, and the power of hope even in the darkest of times.

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3. Fort Jesup

Fort Jesup - A Forgotten Military Outpost - ghost towns
Image Credits: https://explorelouisiana.com

Amidst the dense wilderness, Fort Jesup emerges like a forgotten sentinel, its weathered walls telling stories of a bygone era. This ghost town is located near the Louisiana highway.

As you walk through the overgrown pathways, you can’t help but feel a sense of adventure and curiosity.

The history of this forgotten military outpost comes alive as you imagine the soldiers who once stood guard, protecting the land.

The echoes of their footsteps seem to linger in the air, creating an eerie yet intriguing atmosphere.

Despite its abandonment, there is a quiet reassurance in knowing that this place was once a symbol of safety and protection.

It’s as if the fort still watches over the land, offering a hidden refuge for those who seek solace in its history.

4. Ouachita City

Ghost Towns In Louisiana - Ouachita City - A Lost Riverport
Image Credits: https://www.arkansasonline.com

As you wander through the lush surroundings, you can’t help but stumble upon the forgotten remnants of Ouachita City, a hidden riverport that time has gently embraced.

The whispers of the past echo through the air, as if the spirits of the once bustling river town still linger. You can almost hear the laughter of children playing along the riverbanks and the rhythmic sounds of paddleboats docking at the worn wooden piers.

It’s as if the town itself is beckoning you to explore its secrets, but a part of you feels a subconscious desire for safety, unsure of what lies ahead. The overgrown streets and dilapidated buildings create a sense of mystery and intrigue, but also a hint of caution.

The forgotten history of Ouachita City calls out to you, inviting you to uncover its stories, but your instincts remind you to tread carefully.

5. Bayou Lafourche

Bayou Lafourche - Once a Thriving Trade Route - new roads - ghost towns
Image Credits: https://onlyinyourstate.com

Hidden within the depths of Louisiana’s history lies Bayou Lafourche, a once bustling trade route that now exists as a forgotten relic of a bygone era.

As you navigate the winding waters, you can’t help but feel a sense of mystery and intrigue. The tall, moss-covered cypress trees stand as silent sentinels, guarding the secrets of the past. 

The gentle sway of the Spanish moss overhead creates an eerie atmosphere as if whispering tales of a time long gone.

It’s easy to imagine the lively activity that once filled these waters – the bustling riverboats, the calls of merchants, and the laughter of locals. But now, all that remains are the echoes of abandonment and the haunting beauty of a forgotten trade route.

As you float along, a sense of tranquility washes over you, providing a temporary escape from the chaos of the modern world. The stillness of the bayou feels like a sanctuary, offering a respite from the worries and stresses of everyday life.

In this forgotten corner of Louisiana, you can’t help but feel a sense of safety and peace, as if the ghosts of the past are watching over you, silently guiding you through the remnants of a once vibrant trade route.

6. Port Eads

Port Eads - The Southernmost Point of Louisiana - ghost towns
Image Credits: https://scientificamerican.com

This is an incomplete list of ghost towns. Contrary to expectations, Port Eads is not bustling with activity as one would assume, but rather a quiet and destroyed ghost town located at the southernmost point of Louisiana.

As you stand on the high water levels, you can’t help but feel a sense of tranquility and solitude. The once thriving port, once a vibrant hub of trade and commerce, now stands as a ghostly reminder of a bygone era. The abandoned buildings and empty docks create an eerie atmosphere, as if time itself has stood still.

It’s a place where the echoes of the past still linger, whispering stories of a bustling community that once thrived here. 

As you explore the area, you may find yourself captivated by the beauty of the surrounding nature, but also aware of the emptiness that pervades the air.

While Port Eads may not offer the excitement and activity one might expect, it holds a certain allure for those seeking solace and a glimpse into the past.

7. Atchafalaya

Atchafalaya - A Swampy Ghost Towns
Image Credits: https://classicrock1051.com

Now, let’s venture deeper into the eerie world of Louisiana ghost towns and explore the swampy remnants of Atchafalaya.

As you step into this abandoned small town, a sense of mystery and anticipation fills the air. The once bustling streets are now overgrown with vegetation, creating a hauntingly beautiful landscape.

Your heart beats a little faster as you navigate through the murky waters and decaying buildings, but something is fascinating about the forgotten stories that echo through these swampy corridors. 

With each step, you can’t help but feel a strange connection to the past, as if the spirits of the people living who once called Atchafalaya River levee home are watching over you, guiding your path.

Despite the eerie atmosphere, there is a subconscious desire for safety that lingers within you, reminding you to tread carefully and respect the ghosts of this forgotten town.

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8. Logansport

Logansport - A Former Boomtown on the River - ghost towns
Image Credits: https://710keel.com

As you step into the forgotten remnants of Logansport, a sense of awe washes over you as you witness the remnants of a once vibrant river town. The dilapidated buildings stand as silent witnesses to a bygone era, their faded facades whispering stories of a bustling community that thrived along the river’s edge. Logansport is another ghost town located in Louisiana.

The echoes of laughter and the clatter of commerce seem to linger in the air as if the town is holding onto its past. But as you explore further, a sense of caution creeps in. 

The crumbling structures and overgrown vegetation create an eerie atmosphere, reminding you that this place has been abandoned, left to decay over time.

The desire for safety tugs at your subconscious, urging you to tread carefully, aware of the delicate balance between curiosity and the unknown.

Logansport, once a boomtown, now stands as a haunting reminder of the transient nature of prosperity, a ghost town that beckons visitors with its intriguing history and enigmatic charm.

9. Brashear City

Ghost Towns In Louisiana - Brashear City - From Prosperity to Ruins
Image Credits: https://en.wikipedia.org/

As you leave behind the once thriving town of Logansport, with its rich history and stories of prosperity, you find yourself drawn towards the haunting ruins of Brashear City.

Here, the echoes of abandonment are palpable, whispering tales of a once bustling city that now lies in ruins.

As you step through the decaying streets, you can almost feel the presence of those who once called this place home.

The crumbling buildings and overgrown vegetation create a sense of unease, yet there is an undeniable allure to this forgotten town. On the other hand, today, the only remaining structures are a cemetery and a historic marker

It serves as a stark reminder of the impermanence of human endeavors and the importance of cherishing what we have while we have it.

In this desolate place, you can’t help but feel a sense of longing for safety and security, a subconscious desire to cling to the familiar and the stable.

It is a popular destination for tourists, you can explore the ruins and learn about the town’s history on this tour.

10. Plaquemine

Plaquemine - A Forgotten River Town - ghost towns
Image Credits: https://973thedawg.com

You step into Plaquemine, a forgotten river town where time seems to stand still and the whispers of the past reverberate through your bones.

As you walk down the deserted streets, you can almost hear the distant laughter of children playing and the clatter of horse-drawn carriages.

The once bustling storefronts now stand empty, their windows broken and covered in cobwebs.

The air is heavy with the scent of decay, but there’s an eerie beauty in the dilapidated buildings and overgrown gardens.

You can’t help but feel a sense of melancholy as you imagine the lives that were once lived here.

Plaquemine may be a ghost town now, but it holds a certain charm that draws you in.

You find yourself longing to uncover the secrets hidden within its crumbling walls and forgotten corners.

As you continue your exploration, you can’t shake the feeling of being watched, but you push aside any unease and embrace the thrill of the unknown.

In this forgotten river town, there’s a sense of safety in the abandonment, a sanctuary where the troubles of the modern world are left behind.

Plaquemine may be forgotten by many, but for those who dare to venture into its forgotten streets, it offers a glimpse into a bygone era and a chance to escape the chaos of the present.

11. French Settlement

Ghost Towns In Louisiana - French Settlement
Image Credits: https://www.livingstonparishla.gov/

Nestled along the banks of the Mississippi River, French Settlement exudes a nostalgic charm with its fading farmlands and weathered barns. As you stroll through the quiet streets, you can’t help but feel a sense of calm and tranquility. French Settlement is another ghost town located in Louisiana.

The town’s agricultural roots are evident in the rich soil that once yielded bountiful crops. The scent of hay and the sound of horses’ hooves still linger in the air, transporting you back to simpler times.

The community may be fading, but there is an undeniable beauty in the resilience of this once-thriving agricultural town. It’s a place where time seems to stand still, and the worries of the outside world melt away.

French Settlement offers a sanctuary for those seeking solace and a reminder of the importance of preserving our rural heritage.

12. Natchez

Natchez - A Once-Flourishing River Landing - ghost towns
Image Credits: https://theforgottensouth.com

Imagine stepping back in time as you wander through the streets of Natchez, a once-flourishing river landing. It now stands like a faded photograph, its glory days as vibrant as the wilting petals of a forgotten rose.

You can almost hear the echo of bustling activity that once filled these now-empty streets. The grand mansions, once symbols of wealth and prosperity, now stand as silent witnesses to a bygone era.

As you walk along the riverfront, you can almost feel the presence of the steamboats that used to dock here, unloading goods and passengers. The abandoned warehouses and crumbling buildings seem to whisper stories of a time when this place was alive with commerce.

But now, nature has taken over, reclaiming its territory. Vines creep up the walls, slowly erasing the structures’ former grandeur. The sense of abandonment is palpable, and yet, there is a strange beauty in the decay. It’s as if time has stood still, preserving the past for those who dare to explore.

As you continue your journey, a feeling of nostalgia washes over you, mingled with a deep sense of safety. There’s a comfort in knowing that while this once-thriving town may be forgotten by most, it still holds its secrets, waiting to be discovered by those who seek solace in its forgotten embrace.

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13. White Castle

White Castle - A Plantation Town Lost to Time - ghost towns
Image Credits: https://wgno.com

As you step into the forgotten town of White Castle, the air is heavy with the weight of forgotten lives and lost stories. The once vibrant and prosperous plantation town now sits in eerie silence, its grand mansions and sprawling fields standing as solemn reminders of a bygone era. On the other hand, this ghost town is located in Louisiana.

Walking through the overgrown streets, you can almost hear the whispers of the past, as if the spirits of those who once called this place home are still lingering. The crumbling buildings and faded signs tell tales of a community that thrived on the labor of enslaved people, their history etched into the very foundations of this place.

It’s a haunting reminder of the dark chapters of our past, but also a call to acknowledge and learn from our mistakes. As you explore the remnants of White Castle, there is a sense of melancholy, but also a strange comfort in the knowledge that these abandoned streets now serve as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

In this forgotten small town, there is a subconscious desire for safety, a yearning to learn from history and create a better future, where the echoes of abandonment are replaced with the echoes of progress and equality.

14. Claiborne

Claiborne - The Ghost Town of the Delta is in west side - ghost towns
Image Credits: https://classicrock1051.com

Walk through the desolate streets of Claiborne, and you’ll feel as if time has frozen in its tracks. The once bustling community is now reduced to a mere whisper of its former glory. As you wander past dilapidated buildings and overgrown fields, a sense of eerie stillness hangs in the air. This is one of the many ghost towns of Louisiana.

The echoes of laughter and conversation that once filled these streets are now replaced by a haunting silence. The abandoned homes and businesses stand as a reminder of the vibrant life that once thrived here. It’s as if the town has been frozen in time, trapped in a bygone era.

But amidst the ghostly remnants of Claiborne, there is an undeniable beauty. The faded paint on the walls and the cracked windows tell stories of a forgotten past. While the town may be empty, it still holds a certain allure, drawing in curious visitors who yearn to uncover its secrets.

As you explore this ghost town, a subtle feeling of safety washes over you. The absence of bustling crowds and noisy traffic provides a sense of calm and tranquility. It’s a reminder that sometimes, in the stillness of abandonment, we can find solace and a hidden sense of security.


As you wander through the haunting streets of these Louisiana ghost towns, a sense of eerie stillness surrounds you. 

The echoes of abandonment reverberate through the air, leaving a lingering feeling of mystery and intrigue. You can’t help but wonder what stories these forgotten places hold, what secrets lie hidden beneath the layers of time.

The ghosts of the past seem to whisper in your ear, beckoning you to uncover their long-forgotten tales. 

Each crumbling building and overgrown path holds a clue, a breadcrumb leading you deeper into the enigma of these ghost towns in Louisiana. As you explore, you can’t shake the feeling that there is something more, something lurking just beyond your reach.

But be warned, for the deeper you delve into these best ghost towns in Louisiana, the more you may uncover about your sense of belonging. 

These echoes of these abandoned ghost towns serve as a reminder that nothing lasts forever and that even the most vibrant and thriving communities can fade away. It’s a poignant reminder to cherish the present, to embrace the fleeting moments of life, for one day, we too may become mere echoes in the wind.

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