15 Abandoned Places In NC: Journey Into The Past!

Welcome to a thrilling journey into the past as we explore 15 abandoned places in North Carolina. From forgotten towns to eerie ghost towns, this article will take you on a captivating adventure through the remnants of history.

Get ready to uncover the stories left behind by the people who once inhabited these now deserted places.

As you embark on this journey, let your imagination run wild as you step into the shoes of those who came before you. Feel the excitement and curiosity of discovering hidden gems, while also experiencing a sense of safety knowing that these places, although abandoned, still hold a certain charm and beauty.

So, grab your virtual flashlight and get ready to delve into the mysteries of North Carolina’s past as we explore these forgotten places together.

15 Abandoned Places In NC

Discovering North Carolina’s hidden history reveals 15 intriguing abandoned places, each with its tale to tell. From the lost town of Henry River Mill Village to the historic ruins of Bannerman Castle and the eerie remnants of Little Egypt, these sites offer a glimpse into the state’s rich past, waiting to be explored and understood.

#1. The Lost Town of Henry River Mill Village

Henry River Mill Village
Image Credits: Carolinacountry.com

As you wander through the forgotten streets of the Lost Town of Henry River Mill Village, you can’t help but feel the eerie presence of the past seeping through the cracked windows and dilapidated buildings. The once bustling community now stands abandoned, frozen in time.

With each step, you can almost hear the echoes of laughter and the hum of machinery that once filled the air. It’s as if the spirits of the past are still lingering, silently watching over their forgotten home.

The worn-down houses and empty storefronts stand as reminders of a time long gone. Nature has slowly reclaimed the land, with vines snaking their way up crumbling brick walls and trees reclaiming their territory. Yet, despite the decay, there is a strange beauty in the ruins. It’s a haunting reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the impermanence of our existence.

As you explore this abandoned town, there’s an undeniable sense of safety in knowing that time has stood still here. It’s a place frozen in history, where the worries and troubles of the present seem distant and insignificant.

The Lost Town of Henry River Mill Village offers a unique opportunity to step back in time, to immerse yourself in the echoes of a forgotten era. It’s a chance to reflect on the passage of time and appreciate the importance of preserving our past.

#2. Landis

Image Credits: trainaficionado.com

Venturing into the ghostly allure of Landis, you’ll be captivated by its hauntingly captivating beauty. As you step foot into this abandoned town, your senses will be overwhelmed by the eerie silence that hangs in the air.

The dilapidated buildings, with their peeling paint and broken windows, stand as a testament to a forgotten era. Nature has reclaimed much of the town, with trees growing through roofs and vines snaking up walls. It’s as if time has stood still here, frozen in a moment of melancholic nostalgia.

As you wander through the streets, you can’t help but feel a sense of intrigue mixed with caution. The old homes, once filled with life and laughter, now stand empty and desolate. The echoes of the past seem to whisper through the wind, telling stories of the people who once called this place home. It’s a place where imagination runs wild, and you can’t help but wonder about the lives that were lived within these walls.

However, amidst the haunting beauty of Landis, it’s important to remember to tread carefully. The decaying structures may seem fascinating, but they can also be dangerous. Watch your step as you explore, mindful of loose floorboards and crumbling foundations. It’s a delicate balance between satisfying your curiosity and ensuring your own safety.

So, as you delve deeper into the mysterious charm of Landis, keep your senses sharp and your instincts alert. Embrace the ghostly atmosphere, but always prioritize your well-being. In this forgotten town, the past beckons you to explore its hidden secrets, but remember to do so with caution.

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#3. Bannerman Castle

Bannerman Castle
Image Credits: 6sqft.com

As you approach Bannerman Castle, a sense of wonder washes over you as the mysterious ruins come into view, perched high on an island in the middle of the Hudson River. The castle’s crumbling walls stand as a testament to the passage of time, and you can’t help but feel a tingling sense of curiosity mixed with a hint of trepidation.

As you step onto the island and explore the castle grounds, you can’t help but be captivated by the stories this place holds.

The history of Bannerman Castle is intertwined with the enigmatic life of its creator, Francis Bannerman. As you wander through the ruins, you can imagine the castle’s former grandeur, with its towers and turrets reaching towards the sky. But as you walk through the decaying hallways and peer into the long-abandoned rooms, it becomes clear that time has taken its toll. Yet, there is a strange beauty in the decay, a haunting reminder of the past.

You can’t help but feel a sense of reverence for the people who once called this place home, and a deep respect for the stories that echo through its crumbling walls.

#4. Cahaba

Forgotten Town of Cahaba
Image Credits: Worldatlas.com

As you step into Cahaba, you’re transported back in time, discovering a forgotten town that holds secrets of the past. The abandoned streets are lined with dilapidated buildings, their faded facades whispering stories of a bygone era. You can’t help but feel a sense of awe and curiosity as you wander through the remnants of this once-thriving community.

The town’s history is palpable in every crumbling brick and weathered sign. You can almost hear the echoes of laughter and chatter that once filled the air. As you explore further, you come across the haunting remains of the Old Cahawba Cemetery, where moss-covered tombstones stand as silent witnesses to the lives that once were.

It’s a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the passage of time. While the town may be abandoned, there’s a strange sense of comfort in its quietude. It’s a place where you can escape the chaos of the modern world and immerse yourself in the past.

As you walk through the streets, you can’t help but feel a subconscious desire for safety, as if the spirits of the past are watching over you. Cahaba may be forgotten, but its story is still alive, waiting to be discovered by those who dare to step into its forgotten embrace.

#5. Ghost Town of Portsmouth

Image Credits: Accuweather.com

Step into the enigmatic ghost town of Portsmouth and let the mysteries of its forgotten streets draw you in.

As you walk through this abandoned place, you can’t help but feel a sense of intrigue and curiosity. The crumbling buildings, overgrown vegetation, and eerie silence create an atmosphere that’s both haunting and captivating.

As you explore the deserted town, you can’t help but wonder about the lives that were once lived here. Who were the people that called this place home? What stories do these dilapidated structures hold? The faded signs and empty storefronts hint at a bustling past, now lost to time.

While the town may be abandoned, there’s still a sense of safety that surrounds you. The absence of human presence may seem unnerving at first, but as you take in the peacefulness and solitude of the surroundings, you realize that this ghost town is a place frozen in time. It offers a rare opportunity to step back into the past and experience a glimpse of history.

As you continue your journey through the streets of Portsmouth, let your imagination run wild and allow the mysteries of this forgotten town to captivate you. The forgotten stories and secrets that lie within its walls are waiting to be discovered, and it’s up to you to unravel the enigma of Portsmouth.

#6. Seaboard Air Line Railroad Depot

Seaboard Air Line Railroad Depot
Image Credits: Theraleighcommons.org

The worn wooden platform and rusted tracks of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad Depot evoke a sense of nostalgia and transport you to a bygone era. As you step onto the platform, you can almost hear the distant chug of the steam locomotive and the bustling of passengers.

This historic depot was once a hub of activity, connecting towns and cities across North Carolina. The faded paint on the walls tells the stories of countless journeys and the people who embarked on them. As you explore the depot, you can’t help but imagine the excitement and anticipation that filled the air.

Families reuniting, businessmen discussing deals, and travelers embarking on new adventures. The Seaboard Air Line Railroad Depot was not just a place of transit, but a symbol of progress and connection. It served as a lifeline for communities, bringing goods and opportunities to remote areas.

Standing here, surrounded by echoes of the past, you can’t help but feel a sense of safety and comfort. Despite being abandoned and weathered by time, this place reminds us of the importance of human connection and the power of transportation to bridge gaps and bring people together.

#7. Rosedale Plantation

Image Credits: en.wikipedia.org

Immerse yourself in the haunting allure of Rosedale Plantation, where the faded grandeur and untold stories of the past whisper through each decaying room.

As you step onto the grounds, a sense of mystery and melancholy envelopes you, drawing you deeper into the abandoned elegance of this once-opulent estate. The grand columns that once stood tall now wear the weariness of time, and the once vibrant gardens now lay in overgrown disarray. It’s as if time has frozen, preserving the history and beauty of Rosedale Plantation, while simultaneously eroding its former glory.

Walking through the halls of Rosedale, you can’t help but feel a sense of reverence for the lives that once flourished within these walls. The faded wallpaper, cracked mirrors, and worn-out furniture all bear witness to the stories and memories that were once woven into the fabric of this place.

Your imagination runs wild as you envision the elegant parties, passionate conversations, and tender moments that must have taken place here. But beneath the surface, there is also a subtle unease, a reminder that time has a way of reclaiming what was once vibrant and alive.

As you explore the abandoned rooms of Rosedale Plantation, a part of you may long for safety and comfort, seeking solace in the familiarity of the present. Yet, there is an undeniable allure in delving into the past, in uncovering the forgotten stories, and glimpsing the lives that came before us.

Rosedale Plantation stands as a testament to the passage of time, a reminder that even the grandest of places can be left to fade away. So, as you step back into the safety of the present, take a moment to appreciate the beauty and fragility of the past that still lingers within the walls of this abandoned masterpiece.

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#8. Battery Park Hotel

Image Credits: iStock.com

As you wander through the decaying corridors of Battery Park Hotel, the faded glamour and forgotten stories of the past envelop you, leaving an indelible mark on your imagination.

The once grand chandeliers hanging from the ceilings now hang askew, their crystals dimmed by the passage of time. The ornate wallpaper, once vibrant and full of life, is now peeling and faded, revealing glimpses of the hotel’s former glory.

It’s as if you’ve stepped into a time capsule, a place frozen in history, where the whispers of the past echo through the empty hallways.

As you explore the abandoned rooms, the air is heavy with a sense of nostalgia. You can almost hear the laughter and chatter of the hotel guests, the clinking of glasses, and the soft melodies of a bygone era.

But beneath the surface, there is a certain eeriness that lingers. The creaking floorboards and the flickering lights create an atmosphere that is both haunting and captivating.

Your senses are heightened as you cautiously navigate the decaying corridors, feeling a mix of fascination and trepidation. It’s a reminder that even in its state of disrepair, the Battery Park Hotel still holds a unique beauty, a beauty that is both fragile and resilient.

#9. Glencoe Mill Village

Image Credits: en.wikipedia.org

Step into the forgotten secrets of Glencoe Mill Village and discover the hidden stories that echo through its dilapidated buildings. As you walk through the deserted streets, you can’t help but feel a sense of mystery and intrigue.

The crumbling houses and overgrown gardens whisper tales of a bygone era when this village was a thriving community. The abandoned textile mill stands as a silent witness to the rise and fall of Glencoe, its broken windows and rusty machinery a reminder of the once bustling industry. But amid the decay, there is a strange beauty that captivates your senses, drawing you deeper into the forgotten past.

As you explore further, you uncover the secrets that lie within the walls of the old mill houses. Peering through cracked windows, you catch glimpses of faded wallpaper and forgotten belongings, frozen in time. Each room tells a different story, and you can almost hear the laughter and chatter of families who once called this place home.

The village cemetery, with its weathered tombstones and overgrown grass, reminds you of the fragility of life and the passage of time. Yet, there is a certain serenity that lingers in the air, as if the spirits of the past are watching over their cherished memories.

Step cautiously as you navigate the worn paths, for this forgotten village holds both beauty and danger. The decaying structures may seem enchanting, but they are also fragile and unstable. As you explore, keep in mind the importance of your own safety. Watch your step and be mindful of your surroundings, as the allure of the forgotten secrets should never outweigh the need for caution.

So, wander through Glencoe Mill Village with a sense of wonder, but always remember to prioritize your own well-being.

#10. Mount Moriah Cemetery

Image Credits: Findagrave.com

Now that you’ve uncovered the forgotten secrets of Glencoe Mill Village, it’s time to embark on a new journey into the mysteries of Mount Moriah Cemetery.

As you wander through the overgrown pathways and weathered tombstones, you can’t help but feel a sense of intrigue and curiosity. This abandoned cemetery holds stories and secrets of those who once walked these grounds, and now, it’s your turn to uncover them.

With each step you take, you can almost hear the whispers of the past, urging you to dig deeper into the history of Mount Moriah Cemetery. Who were the people laid to rest here? What were their lives like?

As you explore further, you come across a particularly old tombstone, the engraving barely visible. Your heart races with excitement as you wipe away the moss, revealing the name and dates of a long-forgotten soul. The thrill of unraveling the mysteries of this forgotten place fills you with a sense of adventure and purpose.

As you continue your exploration, you can’t help but feel a sense of safety in the solitude of the cemetery. Despite its abandoned state, the tranquil atmosphere provides a sense of calm and peace. The overgrown trees and wildflowers seem to embrace you, offering a refuge from the outside world.

Here, in this forgotten place, you feel a connection to the past, a reminder of the fleeting nature of life.

So, my friend, as you delve deeper into the mysteries of Mount Moriah Cemetery, let your curiosity guide you. Unearth the forgotten stories, cherish the memories of those who came before, and embrace the safety and solace that this abandoned place has to offer.

#11. Old Salem

Old Salem
Image Credits: Visitwinstonsalem.com

Immerse yourself in the enchanting allure of Old Salem, where the echoes of its haunted past whisper through the cobblestone streets. As you stroll through this historic town, you can’t help but feel a sense of mystery and intrigue.

The old buildings, with their quaint charm and rustic facades, hold secrets and stories from long ago. But fear not, for Old Salem is a place of safety and warmth. The friendly locals will welcome you with open arms, eager to share tales of the town’s past. You’ll find comfort in knowing that the hauntings are nothing more than legends, passed down through generations.

In Old Salem, you’ll discover a place frozen in time, where history comes alive. The streets are lined with shops and museums, each offering a glimpse into the past. As you explore, you’ll come across the Salem Tavern, where you can indulge in delicious meals and imagine yourself feasting with the town’s founders. Take a moment to visit the Winkler Bakery, where the aroma of freshly baked bread fills the air. The friendly bakers will share stories of their ancestors who once kneaded dough in the very same building.

So come, let the charm of Old Salem transport you to another era. Lose yourself in the stories and legends, but rest assured that this enchanting town is a haven of safety and warmth.

#12. Fort Fisher Hermit

Image Credits: Howderfamily.com

Uncover the captivating history of the Fort Fisher Hermit, as you delve into the intriguing tale of a man who embraced solitude, finding solace amidst the windswept dunes.

Imagine standing on the sandy shores, feeling the cool ocean breeze brush against your face as you gaze out at the vast expanse of the Atlantic. It’s here, in this remote and desolate place, that the Fort Fisher Hermit chose to make his home.

With nothing but the sound of crashing waves and the cries of seagulls to keep him company, he found refuge in the solitude.

As you explore the story of the Fort Fisher Hermit, you can’t help but be drawn to his ability to find peace in isolation. In a world filled with constant noise and chaos, the idea of retreating to a place where one can truly be alone holds a certain allure.

The hermit, with his simple existence and minimal possessions, serves as a reminder that sometimes, the greatest treasures can be found in the quiet moments of solitude. His story sparks a subconscious desire within us all – the desire to find a place where we can escape the stresses of everyday life and find solace in the simplicity of nature.

So, as you uncover the history of the Fort Fisher Hermit, let it inspire you to search for your oasis of tranquility, where you can embrace the beauty of solitude and find a sense of safety in the arms of nature.

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#13. Caraleigh Mills

Caraleigh Mills
Image Credits: en.wikipedia.org

Step into the enchanting world of Caraleigh Mills, where the walls whisper tales of the past and the echoes of forgotten lives dance in the air.

As you wander through the abandoned halls, you can’t help but feel a sense of wonder and intrigue. The empty rooms, once filled with laughter and love, now stand as silent witnesses to the passage of time. It’s as if the spirits of those who once called this place home are still present, their stories waiting to be discovered.

As you explore further, you can’t help but notice the intricate details of the architecture, the ornate moldings and grand staircases that were once the pride of this place. The faded wallpaper and cracked windows only add to the charm, reminding you that beauty can still be found in decay.

But amidst the enchantment, a sense of safety surrounds you. The darkness is not menacing, but rather comforting, like being wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold winter’s night.

Caraleigh Mills is a place where time stands still, where the past and the present coexist in perfect harmony. It’s a sanctuary for those seeking solace in the forgotten, a refuge for those who long to escape the chaos of the modern world.

So step into this magical realm and let the silent stories of Caraleigh Mills transport you to a simpler time, where the whispers of the past offer a gentle reminder that sometimes, the safest place to be is in the embrace of history.

#14. Little Egypt

Image Credits: Lookingglassrealty.com

As you wander through the desolate streets of Little Egypt, a shiver runs down your spine, as if the ghostly presence of its forgotten inhabitants still lingers in the air. The once bustling town, now reduced to crumbling ruins and forgotten memories, holds a haunting beauty that both intrigues and unsettles.

The silence that hangs in the air is deafening, broken only by the sound of your footsteps echoing through the empty streets. As you explore further, you can’t help but imagine the lives that were once lived here. The faded remnants of homes and businesses tell a story of a vibrant community that thrived in its heyday.

Now, all that remains are dilapidated buildings and overgrown vegetation, giving the town an eerie and almost otherworldly atmosphere. The absence of life is palpable, yet there is a strange sense of comfort in knowing that you are the only one here, surrounded by the echoes of the past.

Though the ghosts of Little Egypt may still linger, you feel a subtle reassurance that you are safe, a mere visitor in a place frozen in time.

#15. North Carolina Sanatorium

North Carolina Sanatorium
Image Credits: Abandonedsoutheast.com

As you venture into the forgotten depths of Western North Carolina Sanatorium, the echoes of past patients whisper hauntingly in your ears, their presence lingering in the decaying hallways. The abandoned wonder of this place transports you back in time, as you imagine the pain and suffering that once filled these walls.

The eerie silence is broken by the creaking of rusty beds and the soft moans of a forgotten past. You can’t help but feel a sense of unease as you explore each room, wondering what stories lie hidden within the peeling paint and broken windows.

But amidst the eerie atmosphere, there is also a sense of awe and fascination. The architectural beauty of the sanatorium is still evident, despite its state of decay. The intricate details of the crumbling walls and the grandeur of the abandoned operating theater tell a tale of a forgotten era in medical history.

As you carefully navigate through the maze of abandoned corridors, you can’t help but appreciate the bravery and resilience of the patients who once sought solace and healing within these walls.

As you make your way out of the Western North Carolina Sanatorium, a wave of relief washes over you. The subconscious desire for safety that lingers within all of us is satisfied as you step back into the light and leave behind the shadows of the past.

This abandoned wonder may be haunting, but it also serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing our health and well-being.


Exploring the abandoned places in North Carolina takes you on a captivating journey into the past. From the lost town of Henry River Mill Village to the mysterious ruins of Bannerman Castle, each location holds its own haunting beauty and enigmatic stories.

As you wander through these forgotten towns and unearth their history, you can’t help but feel a sense of awe and curiosity. The silent stories of Caraleigh Mills and the eerie ghost town of Little Egypt leave you with a deep appreciation for the rich heritage and the passage of time.

And as you discover the abandoned wonder of the Western North Carolina Sanatorium, you can’t help but marvel at the remnants of a bygone era. These abandoned places in North Carolina offer a glimpse into a time long gone, reminding us of the importance of preserving history.

They serve as a reminder that even in decay and abandonment, there is still beauty to be found. So, grab your camera and your sense of adventure, and embark on a journey into the past. Who knows what hidden treasures and forgotten tales you may uncover along the way.

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