10 Abandoned Places In Mississippi – Waiting To Be Discovered

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey through the forgotten corners of Mississippi?

In this article, we will take you on a tour of 10 abandoned places in Mississippi that are just waiting to be discovered.

From forgotten mansions to ghost towns, each location holds a unique story and a sense of mystery that will captivate your imagination.

As you step into the world of abandoned places, you will be transported back in time, surrounded by the echoes of a past era.

Explore the Old Margaret’s Grocery in Vicksburg, a once vibrant store that now stands in eerie silence.

Or wander through the forgotten mansions of Natchez, where grandeur and decay intertwine, leaving behind a haunting beauty.

But don’t worry, fellow adventurer, for though these places may be abandoned, they are not forgotten.

Each location has its own tale to tell, and as you unravel the secrets of these forgotten corners, you will be filled with a sense of wonder and curiosity.

So, put on your explorer’s hat, and get ready to discover the hidden treasures of Mississippi’s abandoned places.

1. Old Margaret’s Grocery in Vicksburg

Old Margaret's Grocery in Vicksburg
credit – www.thrillist.com

Step inside Old Margaret’s Grocery in Vicksburg and prepare to be amazed by its hauntingly beautiful abandoned charm. As you push open the creaky door, a rush of nostalgia washes over you, transporting you back to a simpler time.

The dimly lit interior reveals shelves stocked with dusty cans and bottles, frozen in time. The worn wooden floors creak beneath your feet, whispering stories of long-lost conversations and laughter that once filled the air. The peeling paint on the walls adds character to the space as if each crack and chip holds a secret waiting to be discovered.

As you explore further, the remnants of Margaret’s eclectic collection catch your eye. Faded posters, vintage signs, and quirky trinkets adorn the walls, creating an atmosphere that is both eerie and fascinating. You can almost envision Margaret herself, a vibrant soul with a heart full of stories, welcoming customers with a warm smile.

The shelves that were once filled with treats and necessities now stand bare, a haunting reminder of a bygone era.

In this abandoned haven, time seems to stand still. The silence is broken only by the occasional gust of wind, which sends a shiver down your spine. Yet, amidst the eerie ambiance, there is a strange sense of comfort. Old Margaret’s Grocery in Vicksburg may be abandoned, but its charm and history live on, inviting you to step into its world and embrace the beauty of its forgotten past.

2. Forgotten Mansions of Natchez

Mansions of Natchez
credit – www.loveproperty.com

Explore the forgotten mansions of Natchez, where you’ll uncover the rich history and allure of these once-grand homes.

As you step through the decaying doorways and wander through the overgrown gardens, you’ll be transported back in time to an era of opulence and grandeur.

Each mansion holds its own unique story, waiting to be discovered by those brave enough to venture into their forgotten halls.

As you explore these forgotten mansions, you can’t help but feel a sense of mystery and intrigue. The faded wallpaper, the creaking floorboards, and the whispers of the past all add to the enchantment of these abandoned homes.

You might find yourself imagining the glamorous parties that once took place within their walls or the secrets that were hidden behind closed doors. But amidst the beauty and elegance, there is also a sense of melancholy and a reminder of the passage of time.

While some may see these forgotten mansions as haunted or eerie, there is a certain allure to them. They serve as a reminder of the past, a glimpse into a time long gone.

And as you explore, you can’t help but marvel at the craftsmanship and architectural beauty that still remains.

So, if you’re up for an adventure and a chance to uncover the hidden treasures of Natchez, step into these forgotten mansions and let the stories of the past come to life.

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3. Ghost Town of Rodney

credit – countryroadsmagazine.com

As you stroll through the streets of Rodney, you’ll be captivated by the eerie charm of this ghost town, which was once home to over 4,000 residents. The worn-down houses and abandoned buildings tell stories of a bustling community that has since been forgotten.

Walking among the crumbling walls, you can almost feel the presence of the past, as if the spirits of the former residents are still lingering. It’s a place frozen in time, where nature has slowly reclaimed what was once its own.

But fear not, for despite its ghostly atmosphere, Rodney is a safe place to explore. The streets may be empty, but they hold a certain allure that draws visitors in. You’ll find yourself treading carefully, as if not to disturb the spirits that may still reside here. And yet, there is a sense of peace that permeates the air, a feeling that you are not alone.

As you wander through the town, you’ll discover remnants of its past, from the crumbling church to the decaying storefronts. Each step you take will unveil a new layer of history, and you’ll find yourself captivated by the stories that this ghost town has to tell.

So, embrace the eerie charm of Rodney and let yourself be transported to a different time. Despite its ghostly appearance, this forgotten town holds a certain beauty that is waiting to be discovered. And as you explore its streets, remember that you’re safe, surrounded by the echoes of the past and the beauty of the present.

4. Abandoned St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Port Gibson

St. Mary's Catholic Church in Port Gibson
credit – thewitmergroup.com

While wandering through the streets of Rodney, you’ll be struck by the haunting beauty of the abandoned St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Port Gibson.

As you approach, the sight of the weathered stone walls and broken stained glass windows will send a shiver down your spine. The church stands as a solitary figure, a testament to a bygone era. The silence that surrounds it is almost deafening, broken only by the whispers of the wind through the empty pews.

Inside, you’ll find yourself captivated by the eerie atmosphere. The scent of decay lingers in the air, and the flickering light from the cracks in the ceiling casts long shadows on the faded frescoes. The pews, once filled with worshipers, now sit empty and covered in dust. It’s as if time stood still, freezing the church in a state of perpetual abandonment.

While exploring, you can’t help but feel a sense of curiosity mixed with a subconscious desire for safety. It’s an experience that will leave an indelible mark on your soul, reminding you of the fragile nature of existence and the impermanence of all things.

5. Sunflower Orphanage in Indianola

Sunflower Orphanage in Indianola
credit – jacksonadvocateonline.com

Nestled in the heart of Indianola, the Sunflower Orphanage beckons visitors with its rich history and heartwarming stories. As you step onto the grounds, you can’t help but feel a sense of wonder and curiosity.

The once vibrant building now stands in silence, waiting to share its tales of resilience and hope. Inside, you’ll find remnants of a bygone era, with faded photographs and worn-out toys scattered throughout the rooms. The walls whisper secrets of the children who once called this place home, their laughter and tears still lingering in the air.

It’s a bittersweet reminder of the love and care they received, even in the face of uncertainty. As you explore further, you’ll stumble upon the old playground, now overgrown with weeds and ivy. The swings sway gently in the breeze, as if inviting you to sit and embrace the nostalgia.

You can almost hear the echoes of playful laughter and the pitter-patter of tiny feet running across the grass. The Sunflower Orphanage may be abandoned, but its spirit lives on. It stands as a testament to the power of community and the importance of providing a safe haven for those in need.

So, come, step into the past and discover the untold stories that lie within these walls.

6. Ruins of the Windsor Ruins

Ruins of the Windsor Ruins
credit – www.onlyinyourstate.com

Tucked away in the heart of Mississippi, the Windsor Ruins transport you to a time of opulence and grandeur, with towering columns and intricate details that still stand proudly against the backdrop of the sky.

As you step onto the grounds, you can’t help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the sheer magnitude of these ancient ruins.

The Windsor Ruins were once part of an extravagant mansion built in the 1850s. Unfortunately, a devastating fire in 1890 left only the imposing columns and a few remaining walls.

Despite the destruction, the ruins have a haunting beauty that draws visitors from near and far. It’s as if the ghosts of the past still linger here, whispering stories of a bygone era.

As you explore the site, you can’t help but wonder about the lives that were once lived within these walls. The sheer size and grandeur of the ruins make it easy to imagine the luxurious parties and lavish gatherings that took place here.

The Windsor Ruins are a testament to the rich history of Mississippi and a reminder of the fleeting nature of wealth and power.

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7. Abandoned City Hall in Meridian

City Hall in Meridian
credit – misspreservation.com

Located in Meridian, the deserted City Hall stands as a haunting reminder of a once bustling center of government and community. As you approach the building, you can’t help but feel a sense of anticipation mixed with a twinge of unease.

The broken windows and crumbling façade tell a story of neglect and abandonment, but there is also an undeniable beauty in the decay. The grandeur of the architecture is still visible, despite the passage of time and the wear and tear of neglect. It’s as if the walls themselves whisper tales of important decisions made within their confines, and the echoes of lively conversations that once filled the halls.

Stepping inside, you are immediately struck by the stillness and silence that now permeates the space. The once bustling corridors are now empty and forgotten, the echoes of footsteps and laughter long gone. The air is heavy with a sense of melancholy, as if the building mourns its own neglect.

But amidst the decay, there is also a sense of hope. The City Hall stands as a symbol of resilience, a reminder that even in the face of abandonment, there is always a chance for revival and renewal. As you explore the empty rooms and peeling wallpaper, you can’t help but imagine the potential that lies within these walls.

The City Hall may be a forgotten relic of the past, but it is also a beacon of possibility, waiting for someone to breathe new life into its forgotten halls.

8. The Belzoni Catfish Museum

Belzoni Catfish Museum
credit – curiouscraig.net

As you step through the doors of the Belzoni Catfish Museum, you’re greeted by the savory scent of fried fish and the lively chatter of visitors.

The museum, once a bustling hub for catfish enthusiasts, now stands as a testament to a bygone era.

As you explore the exhibits, you can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia for the days when the Belzoni Catfish Festival brought the community together.

The walls are adorned with photographs of smiling faces, proudly displaying their prized catches.

The museum’s collection of artifacts, including fishing gear, old photographs, and even a giant catfish statue, transport you back in time to a simpler era.

The Belzoni Catfish Museum is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered.

Its abandoned state may evoke a sense of melancholy, but it also serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving our cultural heritage.

As you walk through the exhibits, you can’t help but appreciate the dedication and passion that went into creating this tribute to the beloved catfish.

The museum may be quiet now, but it still holds the spirit of a community that once thrived.

So, come and visit this charming place, not only for the delicious aroma of fried fish but also to pay homage to the rich history and tradition of the catfish industry in Mississippi.

9. Ghostly Remnants of the Old Biloxi Cemetery

Old Biloxi Cemetery
credit – www.gulfcoast.org

Step into the eerie silence of the old Biloxi Cemetery, where you can almost hear the whispers of the past and feel the chill of forgotten souls lingering among the weathered tombstones.

As you walk through the mist-shrouded pathways, your footsteps echoing in the stillness, you can’t help but feel a sense of reverence and awe.

This sacred ground holds the remains of those who came before us, their stories etched in the moss-covered stones.

But don’t be afraid, for within the ghostly remnants of the old Biloxi Cemetery, there is a sense of peace and tranquility.

The towering oak trees provide a protective canopy, casting long shadows that dance with the gentle breeze.

The spirits that reside here are not malevolent, but rather guardians of this hallowed place.

They watch over the cemetery, ensuring that it remains undisturbed and preserved for future generations.

As you explore this hauntingly beautiful site, take a moment to reflect on the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing our loved ones.

The old Biloxi Cemetery is a reminder that even in death, there is a sense of connection and unity.

So embrace the eerie silence, let the whispers of the past guide you, and find solace in the safety of this forgotten haven.

10. The Haunting Beauty of the Old Mississippi State Penitentiary

credit – en.wikipedia.org

Nestled amidst the hauntingly beautiful landscape, the old Mississippi State Penitentiary stands as a solemn reminder of lives confined and dreams unfulfilled.

As you approach the towering iron gates, a chill runs down your spine, but it’s not just from the cold breeze that sweeps through the abandoned prison.

The eerie silence engulfs you, and you can almost hear the whispers of the past prisoners echoing through the crumbling walls.

Inside, the decaying buildings tell a story of hardship and despair.

You can’t help but feel a sense of melancholy as you wander through the crumbling cellblocks, imagining the lives that were once lived within these walls.

The peeling paint and rusted bars create an otherworldly atmosphere, transporting you back in time to a place where time stood still.

It’s a hauntingly beautiful sight, but one that reminds you of the importance of freedom and the need to cherish the present.


As you explore the forgotten corners of Mississippi, you can’t help but feel the weight of history on your shoulders. The haunting beauty of the Old Mississippi State Penitentiary sends chills down your spine, while the abandoned St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Port Gibson whispers tales of forgotten devotion.

Each abandoned place holds its own story, waiting to be discovered by those who dare to venture into the unknown. As you wander through these forgotten places, it’s as if time stands still, frozen in a moment of eerie silence. The old mansions of Natchez stand as a testament to a bygone era, their crumbling facades telling stories of opulence and decay. The ghost town of Rodney, with its dilapidated buildings and empty streets, feels like a snapshot of a lost world.

But amidst the decay and emptiness, there is a sense of beauty and wonder. The Belzoni Catfish Museum, with its faded exhibits and dusty artifacts, is a relic of a once thriving industry. It’s a place where the ghosts of the past come alive, whispering their secrets to those who listen.

In the midst of these abandoned places, you realize that they’re not simply forgotten relics, but living, breathing reminders of a rich and complex history. Like a forgotten melody, they beckon you to listen and discover the stories that lie within. So go forth, brave adventurer, and uncover the hidden treasures of Mississippi’s abandoned places.

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